Experiencing symptoms of a bent penis? The medical term for this condition is called Peyronie’s Disease (PD). PD is the curvature, constriction or deformity of the penis during an erection. While many men may naturally have a slightly bent penis, it is not typically a cause for concern if there is no pain, or if the curve does not interfere with sexual activity.

While no one understands the exact cause of Peyronie’s Disease, research shows that PD may develop after an injury or trauma to the groin, which produces bleeding inside the penis. Trauma can occur in a variety of scenarios, with sports injuries being among the most common. There may also be a genetic component to the disease.

Misconceptions and misinformation about PD can occur. You may need to act as your own advocate to ensure you receive the right diagnosis and treatment.

How do I know I have Peyronie’s Disease?

The reality is you may not know. And if you aren’t experiencing pain or problems as a result of a bent penis with sexual activity, you don’t need to worry. However, you should talk to your physician if you are experiencing:
• Changes in the appearance of the penis
• Painful erectile function
• Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / difficulty with sexual function or penetration

The above are signs you may have Peyronie’s Disease, and depending on the stage and severity of your symptoms, you may require treatment.


Stages of Peyronie’s Disease

Men with Peyronie’s Disease typically report two stages – or phases – of symptoms.

Peyronie’s Disease – Acute Phase

The acute phase is when you may first notice a curvature or other deformity of your bent penis. As plaques form in the penis, the bending/curving/constrictions may get worse, and you may begin to feel pain during sexual activity. You may also experience erectile dysfunction. The acute phase typically lasts 6 to 18 month, but can last longer.

Peyronie’s Disease – Chronic Phase

During the chronic phase, the plaque stops growing, and further bending in the penis ceases. Many men report that pain during erections also ends during the chronic phase. Despite the lack of pain, men in the chronic phase of Peyronie’s Disease may still have difficulty during intercourse due to the deformity of their penis.

I Have a Bent Penis. What’s next for me?

If you’re in the acute phase of Peyronie’s Disease, the good news is that in studies, men who report suffering pain from PD also report that it eventually goes away. But that may not be helpful if you’re going through this stage and don’t know when it will end.
Some men report the acute stage can last up to a year-and-a-half. That’s a long time to be living with painful erections or erectile dysfunction.


Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease

Since many men with PD reported a lessening of pain over time, a conservative approach to Peyronie’s Disease treatment was initially recommended. This “wait and see” tactic worked for some men but for many more others, an apparent risky approach as over time the plaque (fibrous) tissues become more dense and can even calcify, making it harder to break up with shock wave therapies.

For others, symptoms were reduced or went into remission after an intra-cavernous medication administration – or injection of drugs into the penile caverns, designed to reduce plaque build-up. These injections showed poor clinical success. Recently Xiaflex (collagenase) was removed from the market. As of this bolg’s writing, it is not understood why. Further, injecting the penis is an invasive procedure. With each injection, there is a chance of internal bleeding which could lead to more scar tissue formation.

Surgery was and still is another option for men with severe pain or erectile dysfunction. Surgical options for Peyronie’s Disease treatment include removing the scar tissue and shortening the unaffected side of the penis. Penile implantation was and still is another surgical option to restore erectile ability.

ED Free Clinics Offer Non-Surgical, Non-Pharma Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

At ED Free Clinics, we offer Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (Li-ESWT) for erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease. This non-invasive, painless and safe treatment using the Medispec ED1000 offers hope for men suffering from PD.

Many men report improvement in pain and sexual function after treatment with as few as six sessions and some report complete resolution.

During the sessions, a shockwave applicator is used on the penis, targeting the area of the plaque formation. Rather than wait for it to go away, or inject drugs to break down the plaque, the goal of applying mild shockwave therapy is to break down the area of plaque build-up and allow the body to naturally absorb, then remodel the tissues inside the penile caverns.

In addition, the shockwaves are known to trigger more blood flow to the targeted area which helps with the flow of nutrients and oxygen. This also speeds up the body’s natural breakdown of the scar tissue (plaques), and the remodeling of tissues back to normality.


Want to learn more about our pain-free, drug-free Peyronie’s Disease treatment?

Book an initial assessment and consultation with ED Free Clinics. We have locations throughout the GTA and beyond, with clinics in Mississauga, Barrie, Whitby, Kitchener-Waterloo and Hamilton.

To learn more about the use of Li-EWST for Peyronie’s disease and the patented device we use to treat PD, contact us today.

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